• Question: Did you get high grades at school ?

    Asked by Anon to Andrew, Becky, Daniel, Helen, Nicola, Urslaan on 12 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Daniel Marsh

      Daniel Marsh answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      I also worked reasonably hard at school and achieved good grades but wasn’t neccessarily the top of the class. You can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it!

    • Photo: Nicola Reid

      Nicola Reid answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      Honestly I wasn’t top of the class (Bs/Cs at GCSE) and (C-E Grades at A level) , not because I didn’t work hard, I’m just not great at exams and remembering facts.

      I was better at project work and dissertation writing . However, I still persevered at kept going and got a degree and Masters degree.

      I have been doing my job now 18 years and the exams are a very distant memory!

      Exams are just stepping stones remember to the next thing. 🙂

    • Photo: Urslaan Chohan

      Urslaan Chohan answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      I did score fairly well, but it’s not about the grades. Most important to me was feeding my brain with lots of new facts! If you stay curious, you’ll go a long way 🙂

    • Photo: Andrew Singer

      Andrew Singer answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      I went to ‘secondary school’ in America, where my grades were pretty good–never top of the class and occasionally quite low, but mostly okay. When I went to University, they were much the same. I tried hard at everything I did, but some subjects just didn’t click, while others really did.

    • Photo: Becky Thomas

      Becky Thomas answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I worked hard, but I didn’t always get good grades. I wasn’t good at remembering facts, so exams didn’t really suit me, but exams got less and less important as I progressed through my education.

    • Photo: Helen Littler

      Helen Littler answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I did pretty well at GCSE but not so well at A-levels and I struggled at times with my degree. However I am very good at my job and, having just become a Chartered Engineer, my previous grades matter less because people care about what I capable of now.
