• Question: how much money do you make

    Asked by anon-177562 to Daniel, Andrew, Becky, Helen, Nicola, Urslaan on 11 Jun 2018. This question was also asked by anon-177557.
    • Photo: Becky Thomas

      Becky Thomas answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Most people who work at universities get a similar salary depending on where they are in their career. Someone studying for their PhD (which means you get the title Dr. at the end), will usually be paid a stipend (which is a tax free ‘salary’ paid every three months) of around 14-15k a year (which is equivalent to around 21-22k a year). After that if you go onto do a postdoc you’ll get paid around 25-30k and then if you become a lecturer you’ll be earning 30k plus (heading up to 50k+ if you become a professor). Outside of universities it can vary a lot. Someone working in conservation science for a charity might not get paid as much (but they usually LOVE their jobs!), and someone working in industry might get paid much more… in depends on the field you’re working in.

      I haven’t met many people working in science who don’t love their jobs though, and this is a much more important thing really (as you’ll be working for 40+ years!!!!).

    • Photo: Urslaan Chohan

      Urslaan Chohan answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      That’d be telling 🙂 It really does depend on where you are in your career path. Junior researchers earn 20-25k. Senior researchers earn 30-50k. Associate researchers earn over 50k. People in industry can earn much more (though I don’t)!

    • Photo: Daniel Marsh

      Daniel Marsh answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Not many people work in science because they think that they are going to get rich but most have long and interesting careers that they really enjoy and contribute a huge amount back to benefit others. If being wealthy is your number one priority I would say being a scientist shouldn’t be on your list of potential jobs!

    • Photo: Andrew Singer

      Andrew Singer answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      I think the other scientists have already answered this question–we’re all roughly on the same pay scale.

    • Photo: Helen Littler

      Helen Littler answered on 15 Jun 2018:

      If you work in Oil or Gas, you can earn lots of money because they are in demand resources. However they aren’t good for the environment and you have to visit oil rigs in the north sea.
