• Question: how will you make science more interesting

    Asked by anon-177535 to Daniel, Urslaan, Nicola, Helen, Becky, Andrew on 11 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Daniel Marsh

      Daniel Marsh answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Most scientific research is based on work that was carried out previoulsy by someone else, each scientist extends the knowledge and understanding in their expert area. I hope that the work I do will leave a legacy that improves peoples health and quality of life but also allows others to continue to develop new and interesting solutions ot the problems that we experience with environmental pollution. There are many new problems that we face globally as technology and the need for energy increases so we will need many more scientists in the future to solve the problems we haven’t yet created!

    • Photo: Urslaan Chohan

      Urslaan Chohan answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Science is really broad and far reaching. It is born from a small spark of creativity that we all have in us – yes, even when we are babies! From the moment we take that first breath, we are testing the world around us, with our bodies… To make science more interesting, I would make everyone start to realise this – that we are all naturally born scientists. I would try to get as many people to engage in this science, presenting the importance of it to as many people as possible (and I’m A Scientist is one way of doing this!) And actually, I would try to make as many people as possible to realise that science is not as scary as it seems by interacting with it, first hand. Whether it is doing interesting thought experiments (thinking about problems using our minds) or doing hands on experiments, we’re all capable of developing science. And it is a global effort, that is the wonderful thing! Every scientist works with the next to push science that little bit further.

    • Photo: Andrew Singer

      Andrew Singer answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      I don’t feel the need to make science more interesting…it’s like asking me to make chocolate more chocolate. I find science inherently interesting. I’m keen to explain science in an accessible way to allow others to appreciate how amazingly interesting science truly is!
