• Question: if population continues to double and increase could you suggest any methods to decrease/ stop it?

    Asked by anon-177552 to Andrew, Becky, Daniel, Helen, Nicola, Urslaan on 11 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Daniel Marsh

      Daniel Marsh answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Lots of countries have tried to control population. Currently some, such as Japan, have a deceasing population whilst others are expanding very quickly. The best way to control the number of people on our planet is through education so that individuals can make responsible decisions when it comes to having a family.

    • Photo: Becky Thomas

      Becky Thomas answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Education is the key, and research shows that specifically improving education for women is really important… especially in the developing world. Easy access to contraceptives and education about birth control also reduces population growth.

    • Photo: Urslaan Chohan

      Urslaan Chohan answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      The best way is to educate, and provide tools for family planning like contraceptives. Understanding cultural stigma on these topics, meaning different communities have different views on relationships and reproduction, is vital also.

    • Photo: Andrew Singer

      Andrew Singer answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      The world’s population is increasing at a slower rate, already. This decrease is largely due to increased wealth and better health.
