• Question: What country has the most air pollution?

    Asked by anon-177565 to Helen, Daniel, Becky, Andrew, Urslaan, Nicola on 11 Jun 2018. This question was also asked by anon-177569.
    • Photo: Daniel Marsh

      Daniel Marsh answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      Its really hard to answer this as not every country measures air pollution and not those that do use the same methods so the results cannot be directly compared. We’ve seen a lot of pollution in China over recents years but it is highly likely that there are other mega-cities in other countries that are just as polluted.

    • Photo: Urslaan Chohan

      Urslaan Chohan answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      I can’t give a fixed answer, but I believe India and China would be strong contenders! Both have huge populations and use processes that release lots of pollution.

    • Photo: Andrew Singer

      Andrew Singer answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      At the moment, megacities in India and China typically are the worst for air quality. Any megacity (outside of India and China) are likely not far away.
